The Bladder Buddy
Our Bladder Buddies Service started in Spring 2024. This is for people about to undergo bladder surgery or for those who have recently had the operation. People often feel isolated and unsure of what the future will hold at this stage but we can help you see the way forward.
A volunteer with experience of this operation and now living with a stoma, can contact you to talk confidentially about what it was like for them and how they have managed after surgery. Some people like to meet up face to face and stay in contact for many months post surgery. Others just prefer to make short term contact.
The buddies will aim to:
Talk about their experiences and how they got through it
Offer tips and advice on how to live your best life with a stoma
Highlight the positives of how people move on with their lives post operation
Talk about some of the other services offered both locally and nationally that they have used or are aware of
Avoid offering advice about your medical needs or stoma products as this is best left to your health care professionals
For more information or to ask to speak to a buddy ring Nick or Jeanne on 01452 813168.