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The Gloucestershire
Urostomy Support Group

Who we are:

We are a small group of of local people who've all had their bladders removed in recent years because of cancer or other illnesses. We all know what a traumatic experience it is being told you need this operation and have a wealth of experience and knowledge about living well after having your bladder removed.

What we aim to do:

We aim to help people pre and post op by using the experience of group members to help others overcome any problems that occur. We have good links with the local specialist and stoma nurses, and we complement their services because we have gone through surgery and come out the other side. We cover Gloucestershire and surrounding areas.

What we can do to help:
We provide 2 services:

  • Bladder Buddies. Are people who are happy to chat and meet up with you if you've been recently diagnosed as needing to have your bladder removed ,to help you make sense of what day to day living is like after surgery

  • ​Group meetings: These are held every 4 months in Churchdown and offer the chance to meet others informally who are living with a urostomy and hear from speakers with detailed knowledge of urostomy.